Doradca ADR Damian Kociemba

Damian Kociemba

M.Sc. Eng. | ADR/IMDG advisor

Graduate of engineering studies in the field of transport and master's degree in management with a specialisation in logistics in management.

Co-author and author of several scientific and specialised publications on logistics, safety and optimisation issues.

Holder of the certificate of safety advisor for the carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR), obtained in 2021, with entry on the list of advisors kept by the Transport Technical Supervision. He has also completed specialist training in the carriage of dangerous goods by sea (IMDG).

Additional information

Obtaining certificate number 2704/2021 and registration on the list of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors for road transport (ADR) by the Director of the Transport Technical Supervision Authority.
Verify the credentials here by entering the certificate number or name.

Completing specialized training in the transportation of dangerous goods by sea.

Master's Studies in Management with a specialization in Logistics in Management, University of Social Sciences in Łódź, Faculty of Management and Security Sciences.
Thesis Topic: Modeling Threats in the Transport of Dangerous Goods.

Engineering Studies in Transport with a specialization in Logistics in Transport, Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, Faculty of Technology and IT.
Thesis Topic: Safety as a Key Aspect of Automotive Vehicle Design.

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